Playground Empires

An Epic Strategy Game of Pint-Sized Heroics

In Playground Empires there is an unending struggle between 3rd, 4th and 5th graders to see dominance over the playground…and their peers. You play as one of these factions, each with their own special strengths, in hopes of taking the mantle of Emperor or Empress of the Playground! Each faction will venture forth from their treasured Home Territory onto the playground, bringing new areas of playground equipment under their banner and boosting their popularity amongst the student body. When their rightful rule is contested, however, they are all armed to the teeth with borrowed gym equipment to swiftly convince all opponents of the error of their ways. A much-harried Teacher is on the scene to keep order, but as they move along on their patrol, conflict inevitably fills the vacuum. 

While some will extend their borders far and wide, every faction always keeps an eye on the grand prize of recess: Kidopolis and its coveted Stairway Throne. Will the greater speed and maneuverability of the lower grades see them through to win the day? Will they crumble before the superior might and endurance of the upper grades? Or will the blossoming War of the 4th Graders overwhelm and upend the established social hierarchy of Watson Elementary? Strategize your deployments, choose when best to implement your tactics, and claim victory!


This is a prototype cover of an upcoming game, Playground Empires, from HutChu Games.

Playground Empires Prototype Game Cover

Art: (c) Sterling Birdwell

This is HutChu Games first Licensed Game

We fell in love with Playground Empires years ago at the Southern Board Game Festival and are delighted to work with Sterling Birdwell, Designer, to bring this game to your tabletop.